Peer-to-Peer Professional Development in Building a Culture of Collegiality in Corequisite Education




Corequisite education, English and math, Peer-to-peer professional development, Student-centered program


A student-centered, effective corequisite program requires significant collaboration and coordination between faculty, staff, and administration. For successful corequisite course design, institutions should provide opportunities and resources to engage in “meaningful and respectful conversations and professional development” that facilitate “the implementation, assessment, and scaling of corequisite courses” (Charles A. Dana Center, The University of Texas at Austin, 2022, p. 2). To accomplish these goals, institutions should encourage “collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including institutional researchers, administrators, and student support professionals” (p. 6). As part of this work, institutions should facilitate opportunities for faculty “to design, deliver, and continuously improve” their courses through various supports, including “communities of practice, summer institutes, team teaching, and mentoring opportunities” (p. 6).

Author Biographies

  • Rochelle Gregory, North Central Texas College, Department of English

    is an English instructor and the SACSCOC liaison for North Central Texas College. Before accepting her current role, she served as an instructional dean, division chair, and Honors program coordinator. Over the past 21 years, she has taught developmental writing, first-year composition, technical writ- ing, and sophomore literature. Her research focuses on faculty professional development, writing program administration, disability rhet- oric, feminist rhetoric, and Burke studies.

  • Kristen Weinzapfel, North Central Texas College, Department of English

    is an English instructor and the English/INRW division chair for North Central Texas College. She has been a community college instructor for over 20 years and has taught and developed curriculum for developmental reading and writing, first-year composition, and sophomore literature. Her research focuses on curriculum development and design, dual-credit pedagogy, and sustain- ability rhetoric.


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Charles A. Dana Center, The University of Texas at Austin. (2022). Corequisite English design principles.

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How to Cite

Peer-to-Peer Professional Development in Building a Culture of Collegiality in Corequisite Education. (2024). Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 6(2), 8–12.

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