The Digital Shift: Is the Trend of Transferring Developmental Mathematics Coursework to Computerized Adaptive Learning Environment Effective?


  • Dharmanie A. Gamage Texas State University
  • Gail B. Sylvester-Conrad Texas State University
  • Nadia Johnny Grambling State University



computer aided instruction (CAI), developmental mathematics, mastery-based learning, students’ self-engagement


Developmental mathematics courses play a critical role in ensuring that students have the foundational mathematical skills necessary to succeed in higher educational mathematics coursework. With the introduction of the corequisite format in recent educational reforms, there has been a growing trend towards transferring developmental mathematics courses to computerized adaptive learning platforms such as computer aided instruction (CAI) and mastery-based learning for developmental math content. While this trend has led to increased accessibility and flexibility for students (Allen & Seaman, 2010; Spradlin & Ackerman, 2010), it has also raised concerns about the effectiveness in supporting student’ acquisition of essential mathematical knowledge, particularly for the students categorized as needing developmental mathematics. Because these platforms require students’ self-engagement with the content, it is essential to investigate how these platforms could possibly be utilized to promote more profound learning and cater to the specific needs of this student population.

Author Biographies

  • Dharmanie A. Gamage, Texas State University

    is a doctoral student at Texas State University majoring in developmental education with a concentration in developmental mathematics. She holds a BS degree in engineering and a MA degree in developmental education. As a doctoral teaching assistant for developmental mathematics classes, Dharmanie gained firsthand insight into the challenges students face and developed a keen interest in addressing those issues. She is currently focused on understanding and improving students’ attitude towards mathematics.

  • Gail B. Sylvester-Conrad, Texas State University

    is a passionate PhD candidate majoring in developmental education, with a concentration in mathematics. Her research investigates innovative teaching methods and strategies for fostering a sense of belonging, while simultaneously equipping instructors with the requisite skills for improving college math readiness. She has garnered recognition as a finalist in Texas State University's Three-Minute Thesis competition and has been involved in various initiatives aimed at enhancing college math preparedness, such as implementing a summer bridge program and developing an online TSIA module. Additionally, she has been honored with awards like the P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship and the Texas State University Graduate Scholarship. Sylvester-Conrad also actively participates in Texas State University DELSAC student committees and Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society, and her research interests extends to TRIO summer bridge programs and belongingness experiences with underrepresented minorities.

  • Nadia Johnny, Grambling State University

    is a graduate student enrolled at Grambling State University (GSU). She is currently enrolled in the Doctor of Education (EdD) program with concentration in Curriculum and Instruction Design. She currently works in the Department of Continuing Education and Service Learning as the program assistant. She graduated from GSU with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing in 2014. She has experience of working in industry and marketing for expensive brands and as a strategist for online marketing. She acquired MA degree in Elementary and Special Education from GSU in 2018. She has 4 years of experience teaching at the elementary level in both general education and special education.


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How to Cite

The Digital Shift: Is the Trend of Transferring Developmental Mathematics Coursework to Computerized Adaptive Learning Environment Effective?. (2024). Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 6(2), 21–28.

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