Using a Trauma Informed Approach to Encourage Academic Help-Seeking Among Ethnically Diverse Students


  • Ashley Selva-Rodriguez
  • John Trammell
  • Michael Minutello
  • Rhonda Mudry



The curvilinear relationship between academic
help-seeking and the need for assistance is wellreported (Fong et al., 2021; Karabenick & Knapp,
1991). Within the help-seeking literature, the complexity
of help-seeking for ethnically diverse students has been
explained by a few studies that cite cultural differences in self-regulation in general (Fong et al., 2017).
However, using a trauma-informed lens to inform the
field’s understanding of how to encourage academic
help-seeking among ethnically diverse students has
been largely unexplored in higher education. By
understanding the common factors that influence helpseeking and employing a trauma-informed approach
to designing academic support services, institutions
can be better positioned to encourage adaptive helpseeking behaviors that promote student success.




How to Cite

Selva-Rodriguez, A., Trammell, J., Minutello, M., & Mudry, R. (2023). Using a Trauma Informed Approach to Encourage Academic Help-Seeking Among Ethnically Diverse Students. Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 5(2).