About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Published twice a year (Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter issues) articles, the Journal of College Academic Support Programs (J-CASP) publishes articles relevant to postsecondary developmental education, learning support, and student support. The J-CASP is sponsored and made possible by the Texas Chapter of the College Reading and Learning Association, the Texas Association for Developmental Education, and the Graduate Program in Developmental Education at Texas State University.

Published biannually (Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter issues) the J-CASP seeks articles on such topics as postsecondary pre-assessment, assessment, and interventions for college readiness; college placement, academic advising, and counseling and completion pathways; and developmental education course models and innovations for developmental mathematics, postsecondary literacy, and student success literacy (e.g. co-requisite, contextualized, accelerated, emporiums, integrated, paired, learning communities, academic bridge programs, and boot camps). Additional topics include but are not limited to non-course based options (NBCOs) and learning support models such as tutoring, mentoring, coaching, computer-based instruction, content-based learning labs, and various types of peer-educator support programs.

Additionally, special emphasis will be placed on articles that promote support for struggling learners, learners from culturally and linguistically diverse populations, learners underserved by their previous educational systems, learners encountering new technologies, learners first in their generation to attend college, learners returning to college, and veterans, among others.

The journal will accept scholarly, research-based articles—for double-masked peer review—with emphasis on empirical research approaches such as experimental research, teacher research, action research, ethnography, case studies, and analytical methods including quantitative, qualitative and mixed method approaches. In addition, the journal will also feature a variety of practitioner-based articles, such as reflections and innovative teaching techniques and classroom methods; book reviews; and other pieces that emphasize the relation of education theory to practical teaching and learning, expand contemporary knowledge, and demonstrate impact on the field.

Peer Review Process

Submitted manuscripts deemed appropriate and suitable for J-CASP will undergo a peer-review process by members of the J-CASP editorial board. The review process will take approximately two months, including three weeks for authors to address reviewer comments and suggestions. 

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

The J-CASP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/int/. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal. In summer of 2024, the decision was made to change our license from CC BY to CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 as we believed it was better aligned with the progress of the journal and its authors. 


Published by The College of Education at Texas State University, the Journal of College Academic Support Programs is funded, supported, and endorsed through the Texas Association for Developmental Education (TADE), the Texas Chapter of the College Reading and Learning Association (TxCRLA), and Texas State University's Graduate Program in Developmental Education.

Journal History

The J-CASP's inaugural issue was released in early February, 2018. The J-CASP is published biannually in Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter.

Journal Archiving

J-CASP is currently archived in two databases: ERIC and Texas State University Research and Scholarship Institutional Repository