Academic Coaching: Coaching College Students for Success


  • Bridgett Lowery Center for Academic Success Bellin College



In Academic Coaching: Coaching College Students for Success, Marc A. Howlett and Kristen Rademacher explain the history of academic coaching and outline a comprehensive guide to the components of effective academic coaching and their applications. The book is divided into four parts, with each containing chapters that can be revisited independently for the reader’s reference. Each part is rife with examples of conversations with fictitious students, and each chapter ends with various references. As such, this book can serve as a constant touchpoint for student-facing professionals. Howlett and Rademacher achieve their goal of providing “a resource to other higher education professionals who want to expand or incorporate

Author Biography

  • Bridgett Lowery, Center for Academic Success Bellin College

    is the academic success coordinator at Bellin College. She holds a degree in Education from Michigan State University and a Master of Arts in History from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. She oversees the student success space and peer academic coaches while coaching students on academic and executive function skills and creating programming for the college. Lowery teaches history and diversity classes in the general education department and teaches the student success class for both the first-year experience and the Bellin College Health Care Academy. Recently, Lowery was elected as an executive officer for the Wisconsin College Learning Center Association. She is a certified meditation instructor and brings a holistic view to student success.




How to Cite

Academic Coaching: Coaching College Students for Success. (2024). Journal of College Academic Support Programs, 6(2), 52–53.